Launching a new business can be intimidating to the novice business owner, but well worth the blood, sweat, and tears if you’re willing to stay the course. If painting homes, rooms, ceilings, or anything that needs a new coat of color, interests you, then you might be able to keep a new painting business float, even when the economy doesn’t seem all too supportive. You just have to be smart from the beginning. To get some painting startup company ideas, you need to look around and glean a little creativity from those who’ve come before you. Then, you can update older ideas and make them relevant to today’s society.

Painting startup company ideas can come from anything that interests you as an artist or professional. Maybe you’ve worked for other painters for many, many years. You see a need in your particular area and think you can provide a solution to fill that need. That’s one of many excellent painting startup company ideas that you can make you successful. You’ve already accomplished a great deal just by knowing your audience. If you see a need in your hometown not being addressed by other businesses, your company could capitalize on that missing link and earn success in the process.

No matter which of the painting startup company ideas you plan to include in your business, there are some basic necessities every painter will need before getting started. First, you’ll need a business plan to outline the services, cost, and fees of your company. Make sure to add a mission statement and vision about where you want to grow your company over the next five years. Next, think about the equipment you need to have on hand. Some of the startup equipment includes, but is not limited to:

  • Work Vehicle

  • Ladders

  • Brushes/Rollers

  • Paint Pans/Supplies

  • Buckets

  • Drop Cloths/Protective Layers

 Painting Startup Company Ideas - The Immortality Imperative Steve Jurvetson

Painting Startup Company Ideas

Knowing what kind of specific painting business you want to start might just be the hard part. There are tons of painting startup company ideas for you to explore. Here are just a few examples of some of the most popular painting startup company ideas that are successful in today’s market and a little bit of what they offer customers.

Residential Painting: Residential painting has to be one of the top painting startup company ideas today. This means a company is hired to paint in and around homes in residential neighborhoods. This could be repainting an entire house or just a room or two. Many times, homeowners hire painters when the job is too big to handle alone. Maybe they’re unable to do physical labor. Other times, high ceiling make the job too daunting for untrained hands to accomplish.

Business Painting: Businesses always need to look fresh, new, and up to date. That’s why the painting startup company ideas that focus on the needs of businesses succeed.  This type of company would target business accounts instead of residential customers. Business accounts tend to be large jobs. Many times these jobs are on a tight schedule and sometimes the companies want the painting done only at night when the business is generally closed to the public. For this reason, you might have to pay your crew more than normal if they’re working third shift hours.

Outdoor Painting: Another one of the popular painting startup company ideas centers on painting all things outdoors. This could be the outside of homes, business, buildings, bridges, or any other structure that needs new color. This type of business may need additional heavy equipment like scaffolding and bucket lifts to reach high places.

Artistic Murals: If you’re more of a creative soul, one of the painting startup company ideas that might fit your personality is painting of artistic murals. This idea is really for a true artist. Customers are willing to pay big bucks if you can take their vision and actually create it in colors on the wall, but that takes serious talent. Unless you’ve been painting awhile, you might want to take an art class or two before branching out into the artistic mural painting business.

Creative Furniture Painting: Creative furniture painting may sound like a hobby, but it’s really one of those painting startup company ideas starting to take off. It can be advertised as a form of recycling. You’re taking something old and breathing new life and purpose into it. Some people are willing to pay good money for professionally distressed and antiqued furniture.

Trim Painter: One final popular painting startup company ideas making a splash with consumers are trim painters. Many painters will keep a trim work pro on hand to focus on this important task no matter what job you’re working on at the moment.


Establishing Your Services

No matter what kind of painting startup company ideas catches your eye, you need to establish your services before starting your business. Know what you’re good at accomplishing and then focus on your positive aspects. Advertise those services and your competitive prices and you’re sure to draw a crowd of new clients and customers. Some of the top painting startup company ideas for services include:

  • Interior/Exterior Painting

  • High Angle Painting

  • Drywall Repair

  • Surface Preparation

  • Trim Painting/Finishing Work

  Kai Chan Vong

Specialties: Setting Yourself Apart

As a new business, it’s important to set yourself apart from your competitors, especially if they’ve been in business longer than you. Play up your strengths. You and a competitor could offer the exact same services, for the exact cost, and exact time completed. What sets you apart? Many times they’ll look at portfolios, customer reviews, and length of time in business.

By touting and promoting your specialties, you give your new company an upper edge. Don’t discount some of the specialties you may have and not even realize. Some painting startup company ideas for specialties include:

  • Painting Historic Homes

  • Color Consultation

  • Stenciling

  • Murals

When you’re ready to begin your new business, rest easy knowing you have a wealth of painting startup company ideas to draw from when its time to decide. Just choose one that fits your interests, experience, and needs. Make sure you enjoy what you do with your business. Then, your days on the job won’t seem like work.

You have gotten this far, here is another great Startup Painting Article

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