Apartment Painting

Apartment painting is a nice way to make your newly purchased or rented living quarters your own. But before you add a splash of color to your otherwise boring bedroom, you might need to ask your landlord first.
Once you have settled the debacle with your landlord, you then need to prepare for the huge undertakings of apartment painting. Because it’s a huge task, it’s best if you seek the help of a professional who has done excellent apartment painting tasks all of his life.

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Choosing the paint for apartment painting

Calvert Woodley Apartment Building

Calvert Woodley Apartment Building (Photo credit: Mr. T in DC)

One of the biggest decisions involved in apartment painting is determining what kind of paint you want to use in every part of your home.
A great thing about hiring an apartment painting professional is he knows what is used and will advise you what to choose from: oil-based or latex paint. Oil-based paints are recommended for bathrooms and kitchens because they are resistant to staining. The downside though is that you need to use turpentine to clean the walls up.
As for latex paint, it’s easier to use. You only need to use water and soap to clean latex painted surfaces.
Afterwards, you need to choose the paint finish. Don’t worry if this confuses you, because an apartment painting expert can help you out with this. For large surfaces, professionals recommend flat finish paints because they don’t mirror light. But if you want to add light to your room, your contractor can use satin-finish paints for family areas such as play areas, hallways, guest rooms, children’s rooms, and the living room.
For the apartment painting of the bathroom or the kitchen, semi-gloss finish paints are oftentimes used, because they are easy to clean. While gloss paint is okay to use for small areas and trims, an expert knows that he should use it sparingly or else you’ll be blinded by the light inside your home.

Choosing the color for apartment painting

3DMLW APartment example (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

After a contractor has helped you choose the right kind of paint, you need to determine what color schemes to use for apartment painting.
If you have a narrow yet long room, a professional will advise you to choose a darker color at the end of the room. This will make the room look bigger than it really is.
For a small room, an illusion of space can be created by an apartment painting expert by using light colors. As for your part, you can decorate the room with same-colored furniture.
If you want to make your room more attractive, the professional will use light paint for your ceiling. If you want to draw attention to the center of the room, ask your contractor to use a dark shade for your ceiling.
DIYers often commit the mistake of purchasing a gallon of paint without trying it out. But if you seek the help of an apartment painting professional, he will tell you to purchase a sample size first. That’s because the color that you use for apartment painting might change drastically, compared to the swatches you see in the store.
After the contractor is finished with apartment painting, don’t forget to examine the colors during the day and night, as light (and even the room temperature) can modify the shade of the paint.
One of the advantages of having an apartment painting professional is that he knows how to calculate the paint he needs for the entire room. Before starting, he will measure the space of the room (in square feet) so he can determine how much paint he needs to use.
DIYers have no idea how to measure a room. But a professional knows how to. He will start at the corner of the room and measure the footage until he reaches the other end. He will include the ceiling and the panels of the small wall in the measurement.
Most importantly, he knows how to use these figures to calculate how many cans are needed for apartment painting.

Items needed for apartment painting

After your contractor has helped you decide what type and color to use for apartment painting, he will prepare all the materials that are needed for this project. The tools are a flat brush measuring three inches, small-angled brush (for corners and trims), roller (with extension pole), Roller tray, Primer, Putty knife, Sandpaper, Spackle, Masking tape or painter’s tape, Turpentine (should you wish to use oil-based paints), Drop cloths, tarpaulins or newspapers, Cleaning rags and a Bucket.
An apartment painting professional will also have their own personal protective equipment such as headgear, paint-proof jumpsuit, goggles, mask, and gloves.

Getting the apartment ready

painted windows

painted windows (Photo credit: wockerjabby)

Before a contractor can proceed with apartment painting, you will need to help him prepare the place. Since he’s done this work before, he knows what needs to be done in order to come up with a great project.
First, you will need to help him relocate the furniture to another room. If it’s too heavy, you can move them to the center and cover them with a drop cloth or tarpaulin. He will also cover the floors with a tarpaulin or newspaper.
Also help him remove the frames and fixtures on the walls. He will also need to detach the light fixtures, switch covers and outlet covers as well.
Wallpapers need to be peeled before painting. If you do it yourself it will take several days. But because an apartment painting professional has industry-grade equipment such as a steam cleaner or a scraper, the work time will be cut in half.
An apartment painting expert can also detect cracks, dents and holes on the surfaces. He will seal it to make the entire surface smooth.
An apartment painting expert also knows the importance of applying a primer before proceeding with apartment painting. The primer makes the wall non-porous, so the paint can stick to the wall.

Apartment painting strategies of professionals

Even if you scour the web for apartment painting tips, there are many techniques that only a professional knows. These techniques actually hasten the apartment painting process.
In apartment painting, the first place he will paint is the ceiling. Expect your contractor to cover the edge with masking tape or painter’s tape, to prevent splatter on the trims.
After the ceiling, the next places the apartment painting contractor will cover are the walls. With the use of a small brush he will paint a two-inch strip near the edge. After that, he will use a roller and go over this strip. He will apply paint in a square fashion, starting from the top and going down to the bottom. He will proceed with the next section afterwards. Finally, the contractor will apply the second coat and the top paint the same way.
Apartment painting experts have years of skill and experience under their belts, that’s why they’re the best in what they do. If you want to redecorate your home, then get started by contacting an apartment painting contractor today.

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